Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Race Class Narrative?

The Race Class Narrative is a narrative framework that expresses our union’s key analysis on how race and class are inextricably linked in North America. It describes the opposition working people face and our theory of movement building and social change.

How can I be down? I want to join the community!

Soon-to-be Community members can request information about upcoming workshops through our “Contact Us” form. Existing members can view all upcoming workshops and events on the site’s calendar. This page is updated regularly and includes workshop and events host by SEIU and partner organizations.

What is the RCN Community all about?

The Race Class Narrative Community exists to support SEIU’s continued shift to a race class analysis so as to foster the cross-racial solidarity that allows us to win on issues impacting working people. The Community is part of a larger effort to build the internal infrastructure necessary to raise the sophistication and application of our analysis among staff and members. In building the infrastructure, we aim to:

  • Support the unionwide shift from a colorblind OR purely racial justice analysis to a race-class analysis 
  • Consistently embed RCN and its undergirding analysis in SEIU’s campaigns and rapid response efforts
  • Create a collaborative culture of learning and working that centers race and class
  • Foster cross-racial solidarity among union leaders and members

What is the origin story of the RCN Community?

During our 2016 Convention, SEIU passed Resolution 106A, which declared that as a union, we cannot have economic justice without tackling racial justice. The following year, SEIU took considerable efforts to advance internal equity by creating a permanent Racial Justice Center and undertaking groundbreaking research with Heather McGhee,  Anat Shenker-Osorio, Ian Haney López, Lake Research Partners, Brilliant Corners, and Demos.  The goal of the collaborative research was to develop a narrative incorporating race and class that would neutralize the use of dog-whistle racism, resonate with our base – especially people of color – and bring along the largest possible group of white people in support of our economic and racial justice policy solutions. This research would birth the Race Class Narrative and be deployed to win elections and organizing victories across the country. In 2022, SEIU launched the Race Class Narrative Community to further support the union’s shift from a colorblind analysis to a race class analysis.

Who are RCN Community members?

Community members are communicators, organizers, campaign staff, and other RCN practitioners who work together to share new Race Class learnings, troubleshoot messaging challenges and develop new messaging around emerging issues. SEIU staff (both Local and IU ) from any department can join the Community.

Who organizes RCN Community events?

Community members play a key role in developing and coordinating various events. Through surveys, polls and discussions, Community members express their needs and interests which informs the work of the Community’s Programming Committee. Each year the Programming Committee coordinates guest speakers, virtual meetings, and in-person convenings. Every member also has the ability to call SWARMs – or ad-hoc think-tank meetings – to brainstorm solutions and get assistance in dealing with thorny messaging and organizing challenges.

What’s the relationship between the RCN Community and Purple Echo?

What’s the relationship to the RCN Community and Purple Echo? Race Class Narrative Community is our sister network and we collaborate on events, workshops, and issue-specific messaging. While the Race Class Narrative Community includes many communicators, its membership includes other RCN practitioners including organizers, political staff, researchers, and racial justice staff. While allied, the RCN Community is instrumental in developing the competence and confidence of staff to apply the Race Class Analysis and Narrative Framework to their campaigns and internal communications. Purple Echo is our community network for communicators and digital staff across the SEIUniverse (both at the Local and International level). This network helps communications and digital staff connect, collaborate, and create to save time, alleviate problems, and amplify important work of the union.