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Create an Account Let’s get you started! Complete the form below to gain access to our online community. Have an account already? Login
Have you completed an RCN Foundations Workshop? (required to create account) Yes No You must complete an RCN Foundations Workshop to create an account. Please fill out this form and we will contact you with more information on how to join. Personal Information First Name: * Last Name: * Pronouns: Job Title: * Local / IU Department: * Email: * Phone Number: * Mailing Address (so we can send you cool swag!) Company: Street Address: City/Town: State/Province: ZIP/Postal Code: Country: Phone Number: What is your T-shirt size? Race * Black White Latinx Asian / Pacific Islander Native American Other (please specify) Gender * Age * Under 30 30-39 40-49 50-64 Over 65 What languages do you speak? * (check all that apply) ASL (live interpretation only) Armenian Bosnian Cantonese 广东话 English French (Canadian) Korean Mandarin 普通话 Portuguese Polish Russian Spanish Tagalog Vietnamese Please select at least one language. I would be willing to: * (check all that apply) Co-facilitate a Community meeting Serve on the programming committee which will develop programming for the community. Participate in the arts, culture, and design committee which will explore how we can use the arts strategically in our work! Provide periodic feedback on documents shared by members. Participate in an issue-related ‘SWARMS’ (mini think-tank meetings) in the future. Participate in ‘braintrust’ meetings where we will brainstorm, create, and ideate solutions to big goals and challenges. How are you currently using the Race Class Narrative? What challenges are you encountering? * What issue(s) are of interest to you? What topics would you like to ‘SWARM’ on? Enter password to create your account Password: Confirm Password: I agree to abide by the community agreements outlined for the Race Class Narrative Community. Submit
Have you completed an RCN Foundations Workshop? (required to create account) Yes No You must complete an RCN Foundations Workshop to create an account. Please fill out this form and we will contact you with more information on how to join. Personal Information First Name: * Last Name: * Pronouns: Job Title: * Local / IU Department: * Email: * Phone Number: * Mailing Address (so we can send you cool swag!) Company: Street Address: City/Town: State/Province: ZIP/Postal Code: Country: Phone Number: What is your T-shirt size? Race * Black White Latinx Asian / Pacific Islander Native American Other (please specify) Gender * Age * Under 30 30-39 40-49 50-64 Over 65 What languages do you speak? * (check all that apply) ASL (live interpretation only) Armenian Bosnian Cantonese 广东话 English French (Canadian) Korean Mandarin 普通话 Portuguese Polish Russian Spanish Tagalog Vietnamese Please select at least one language. I would be willing to: * (check all that apply) Co-facilitate a Community meeting Serve on the programming committee which will develop programming for the community. Participate in the arts, culture, and design committee which will explore how we can use the arts strategically in our work! Provide periodic feedback on documents shared by members. Participate in an issue-related ‘SWARMS’ (mini think-tank meetings) in the future. Participate in ‘braintrust’ meetings where we will brainstorm, create, and ideate solutions to big goals and challenges. How are you currently using the Race Class Narrative? What challenges are you encountering? * What issue(s) are of interest to you? What topics would you like to ‘SWARM’ on? Enter password to create your account Password: Confirm Password: I agree to abide by the community agreements outlined for the Race Class Narrative Community. Submit